Storytime: Letter J

Welcome Song: (to the tune of Farmer and the Dell)

            We clap and sing hello,

            We clap and sing hello,

            With our friends at storytime,

            We clap and sing hello!

            (wave, stomp, march, wiggle, blink, waddle)


Alphabet Song: Use shakers while singing!


Introduce Letter:

            Show kids a flashcard of the letter J.

            Sing “The J says jjj, the J says jjj, every letter makes a sound, the J says jjj.”


Book 1: Jamberry by Bruce Degen


Activity: Sing “Jump for Joy” using shakers or scarves


Book 2: Thunder Boy Jr. by Sherman Alexie and Yuyi Morales



Activity: Jungle Sounds

Pull a jungle animal out of a bag and have the kids make that animal sound and pretend to be that animal.


Book 3: In the Jungle


Review: Show letter flashcard and say the sound again


Craft: Letter J jaguar


Storytime: Letter I


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