Learning From a Christmas Classic by Maria Antonia

We are so excited to have Maria Antonia join us today to share about Religious Picture Books!

Maria Antonia learned to write her name at five years old and tried typing with an old manual typewriter at age eight. However, it was when she met the computer that she never turned back. Many years later, she still clickety-taps out her stories onto the screen, stories that have turned into picture books like The Christmas Elephant and Barnaby the Runaway Sheep. In addition to writing, Maria also enjoys sipping a nice cup of hot tea and capturing the world with her camera. She has lived in Sunny Spain, Busy New York City, and currently resides in the Great White North of Canada. Her website is: http://mariaantoniawrites.com

Every year, when I was a kid, I remember gathering around the television to watch The Charlie Brown Christmas Special. And I know we're not the only family who had this tradition. It's become a classic!

However, there was a time when, before the special first aired on December 9, 1965, everybody thought it would be a flop. The executives didn't think jazz music belonged in a cartoon. And then there was the controversial speech near the end of the program ... But wait! I'm getting ahead of myself. 

That's What Christmas is All About, Charlie Brown

The plot of Christmas Special follows underdog Charlie Brown as he's chosen to direct his first Nativity play. What he wants is to find the true meaning of Christmas, but what he gets is all the commercialism surrounding the holiday. Charlie Brown is about to give up in despair. "Everything I do turns into a disaster. I guess I don't really know what Christmas is all about. Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?"

That's when his friend Linus steps forward. "Lights, please. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night..." Linus goes on to recite the whole passage from the Bible about that first Christmas night, ending with: "That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown."

Did you know that Charles Schulz, the creator of the Peanuts Gang, had to fight to keep this monologue in the program? Everybody thought it would be the kiss of death, but Schulz insisted. I'm glad he stood firm, because this scene, as simple as it is, holds its own even today. The words Linus speaks from the Bible not only inspired Charlie Brown but countless television viewers. Despite the dire predictions that this half-hour special would be a flop, it went on to win an Emmy in 1966 and would become a beloved classic watched year after year. 

What made this work? I often think about such things as an author. For me, I think it worked because the religious part wasn't forced. It fits in with the theme of the story.

And this is something that can help us when writing "religious books" for children.

Story First

My first rule is that story must come first. People love hearing a good story. And the message needs to naturally flow out from that story. You don't want something to come across as too preachy. This is what I did for my book, The Christmas Elephant. My story takes place during the performance of a Nativity play. I worked hard to make sure the story about two sisters would stand on its own two feet. The message of Christmas needed to naturally flow from what's happening on  the stage.

Hooray for Backmatter

The Author's Note at the end of the book is a wonderful opportunity for picture book authors to convey a little something more to their readers. Because I (and my publisher) wanted to add a little more to the Christian message of the story with an application from the Bible, including Bible verses, we put it all in the backmatter. (I also added some fun facts; so my backmatter is jam-packed with all sorts of extra material for parents and teachers!)

Keeping it Kid-Friendly

A lot of picture books written years ago tended to be wordy. And for many of us, those are the picture books we grew up with. But people's vocabulary has changed over time, and so has their attention spans. Part of the challenge of religious books is how to deal with the jargon that's often involved. Remember your audience and keep your words kid-friendly to today's children. This is not to say that kids can not handle hard things or even hard words. I think we should address all sorts of topics, but we need to make sure it's done in a way so that it's accessible to today's children.

Overall, religious books are a great way for parents and grandparents to share their faith with their little ones. Like Charles Schulz, authors need to find the right balance in bring such stories to life. 

Note about the photo: I told you our family loves the Charlie Brown Christmas Special.

About the Book: Ellie wants to be an elephant in the Christmas play but her know-it-all sister says she’ll ruin everything. When Baby Jesus goes missing, Ellie must find him, or the play will be ruined (but not because Ellie is an elephant)!

Thanks so much for joining us, Maria!

You can find Maria on Instagram @ofmariaantonia, Facebook @ofmariaantonia, and Twitter/X: @ofmariaantonia1. Her website is: http://mariaantoniawrites.com.


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