Sneak Peek: The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi

Welcome to this month’s featured book from our Mother-Daughter Book Club Guide! We’re thrilled to share a story that’s sure to spark meaningful conversations and fun activities for you and your daughter.

Book Summary: Thirteen-year-old Charlotte Doyle faces a perilous moral dilemma aboard a ship bound for Rhode Island, caught between a tyrannical captain and a mutinous crew.

Avi. The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. New York: Scholastic, 1990.

Discussion Question: Charlotte was trapped between two worlds—which world would you prefer to belong to and why?

Snack Idea: Hardtack or Sailor’s Bread: Add a dab of molasses for more flavor!

Activity Idea: Knot Tying: Learn to tie sailors’ knots! Directions for a few knots are included in the Afterword of the 2012 edition.

Want to dive deeper into The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle and enjoy more activities, questions, and insights? Access our full Mother-Daughter Book Club Guide and make your reading experience unforgettable. Click HERE to find it now!


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