Big Baby #3
Today is my third child’s birthday, so gather ‘round for the story of Big Baby Number 3.
When I found out I was pregnant with baby #3, my daughter was three, and my son was two. I’m pretty sure my journal entry went something like this:
“Pregnant again. Want to die.”
Don’t get me wrong—I wanted to get pregnant again. But my pregnancies meant nine months of throwing up. Not exactly a situation I was thrilled about.
As my belly grew bigger and bigger, and I gained more and more weight, I voiced my concerns to my doctor. “I think this baby is going to be huge.”
She felt my belly and replied, “Nooo, I’m guessing it’s a 7- or 8-pounder.”
“No way,” I said. “He’s gigantic.” I could tell he was bigger than my other two babies, who weighed in at 8 pounds 1 ounce and 9 pounds 2 ounces.
My due date was March 4th, and by my appointment on March 3rd, I was soooooo done being pregnant. I couldn’t handle the thought of that baby getting any bigger. My stomach felt as stretched as it could go. My doctor agreed to induce me the next day. Thank freaking goodness!
A nurse called us at 5 a.m. and told us to come to the hospital at 8 a.m. We arrived, got checked in, and then sat in the waiting room. For over six hours.
Every time a room became available, a woman arrived in active labor and took the room. There were about 356 babies born that day. At least it felt that way.
Finally, around 3 p.m., they had a room ready for us, and they started the Pitocin. My contractions kicked in hard about an hour later, and, just like my previous two experiences, my epidural didn’t work. My legs were numb, but my belly and pelvic area were not. What the heck?! Why didn’t any of my epidurals work? It was so frustrating.
By 6 p.m., I was dying. I begged the doctor for something—anything—to take the pain away.
She checked me and said, “Oh! His head’s right there! Push!”
Fifteen minutes later, my son was born. And when the doctor put him on the scale?
9 pounds, 14 ounces.
“Wow,” the doctor said. “You were right. He’s huge!”
Well, duh, I thought.