Storytime: Letter O
Welcome Song: (to the tune of Farmer and the Dell)
We clap and sing hello,
We clap and sing hello,
With our friends at storytime,
We clap and sing hello!
(wave, stomp, march, wiggle, blink, waddle)
Alphabet Song: Use shakers while singing!
Introduce Letter:
Show kids a flashcard of the letter O.
Sing “The O says ooo, the O says ooo, every letter makes a sound, the O says ooo.”
Book 1: Good Night Owl by Greg Pizzoli
Print out picture cards with opposite on them. Play memory on the floor or using the flannel board.
Book 2: Orange Fish, Green Fish by Linda Kranz
Activity: Open/Close Eyes
I brought in a little octopus toy. I had the kids close their eyes while I hid the octopus and then open their eyes to find the octopus.