Storytime: Letter O

Welcome Song: (to the tune of Farmer and the Dell)

            We clap and sing hello,

            We clap and sing hello,

            With our friends at storytime,

            We clap and sing hello!

            (wave, stomp, march, wiggle, blink, waddle)


Alphabet Song: Use shakers while singing!


Introduce Letter:

            Show kids a flashcard of the letter O.

Sing “The O says ooo, the O says ooo, every letter makes a sound, the O says ooo.”


Book 1: Good Night Owl by Greg Pizzoli



Print out picture cards with opposite on them. Play memory on the floor or using the flannel board.


Book 2: Orange Fish, Green Fish by Linda Kranz


Activity: Open/Close Eyes

           I brought in a little octopus toy. I had the kids close their eyes while I hid the octopus and then open their eyes to find the octopus.


Book 3: Octopus Garden by Ringo Starr and Ben Cort


Review: Show the letter flashcard and say the sound again


Craft: Letter O ostrich

Storytime: Letter H

I run Storytime at the Penguin Bookshop and thought it would be fun to share my Storytime plans. While my Storytime is open to all ages, I do gear toward the younger crowd because a lot of 1 and 2 year olds attend. A few of these ideas are my own, but the majority I borrow from my favorite Storytime websites, which include Storytime Katie, Sunflower Storytime, Dog Earned Storytime, and Library Village.

We did this Storytime the week of Halloween, so it was Halloween-focused.

Welcome Song:

            (to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”)

            We clap and sing hello,

            We clap and sing hello,

            With our friends at Storytime,

            We clap and sing hello!

            (wave, stomp, march, wiggle, blink, waddle)

Alphabet Song: Use shakers while singing!

Introduce Letter:

  • Show kids a flashcard of the letter H.

  • Sing “The H says hhh, the H says hhh, every letter makes a sound, the H says hhh.”

Book 1: Pete the Cat Five Little Pumpkins

Activity: Five Little Pumpkins

            (I used a flannel board version of this)

            Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate

            The first one said, “Oh my, it’s getting late.”

            The second one said, “There are witches in the air.”

            The third one said, “But I don’t care.”

            The fourth one said, “Let’s run and run and run.”

            The fifth one said, “I’m ready for some fun.”

            “Oooo-oooo” went the witch

            And out went the lights

            And five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.

Book 2: Peppa’s Halloween Party

Activity: “If You’re a Ghost and You Know It”

            (to the tune of If You’re Happy and You Know it)

            If you’re a ghost and you know it, just say BOO

            If you’re a ghost and you know it, just say BOO

            If you’re a ghost and you know it, and you really want to show it,

            If you’re a ghost and you know it, just say BOO

(If you’re a witch and you know it, just say [evil crackle], if you’re a black cat and you know it, just say hiss)

Book 3: Spooky Pookie

Review: Show the letter flashcard and say the sound again

Craft: Letter H hippo

Storytime: Letter F

Welcome Song:

           (to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”)

            We clap and sing hello,

            We clap and sing hello,

            With our friends at Storytime,

            We clap and sing hello!

            (wave, stomp, march, wiggle, blink, waddle)

Alphabet Song: Use shakers while singing!

Introduce Letter:

  • Show kids a flashcard of the letter F.

  • Sing “The F says fff, the F says fff, every letter makes a sound, the F says fff.”

Book 1: Fire Engine No. 9

Activity: “Hurry, Hurry! Drive the Fire Truck!”

            Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck

            Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck

            Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck

            Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!

            (climb the ladder, shoot the water)

Book 2: Footloose

Activity: Fishing

  • I brought in a fishing pole (a wooden dowel and string with a magnet at the end) and laminated fish with paper clips on each of them. The kids had to catch the fish. They loved it!

Book 3: Farm Friends

Review: Show the letter flashcard and say the sound again

Craft: Letter F flamingo

Storytime: Letter T

I run Storytime at the Penguin Bookshop and thought it would be fun to share my Storytime plans. While my Storytime is open to all ages, I do gear toward the younger crowd because a lot of 1 and 2 year olds attend. A few of these ideas are my own, but the majority I borrow from my favorite Storytime websites, which include Storytime Katie, Sunflower Storytime, Dog Earned Storytime, and Library Village.

Welcome Song:

            (to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”)

            We clap and sing hello,

            We clap and sing hello,

            With our friends at Storytime,

            We clap and sing hello!

            (wave, stomp, march, wiggle, blink, waddle)

Alphabet Song: Use shakers while singing!

Introduce Letter:

  •             Show kids a flashcard of the letter T.

  •             Sing “The T says ttt, the T says ttt, every letter makes a sound, the T says ttt.”

Book 1: Old MacDonald Had a Truck

Activity: “I’m a Little Teapot”

  •   I’m a little teapot,

            Short and stout

            Here is my handle

            Here is my spout

            When I get all steamed up

            Hear me shout,

            “Tip me over

            and pour me out!”

Book 2: Turtle Island

Activity: “Miss Lucy Had a Turtle”

  •   Miss Lucy had a turtle (make a turtle with your hand)

            His name was Tiny Tim

            She put him in the bathtub

            To see if he could swim (swim with your arms)

            He drank up all the water (drink)

            He ate up all the soap (eat)

            And now he’s sick in bed

            With bubbles in his throat

            Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, POP! (make your hands grow with the bubbles and clap on the pop)

Book 3: Steam Train, Dream Train

Review: Show letter flashcard and say the sound again

Craft: Letter T tree

Storytime: Letter M

I run Storytime at the Penguin Bookshop and thought it would be fun to share my Storytime plans. While my Storytime is open to all ages, I do gear toward the younger crowd because a lot of 1 and 2 year olds attend. A few of these ideas are my own, but the majority I borrow from my favorite Storytime websites, which include Storytime Katie, Sunflower Storytime, Dog Earned Storytime, and Library Village.

Welcome Song:

(to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”)

            We clap and sing hello,

            We clap and sing hello,

            With our friends at Storytime,

            We clap and sing hello!

            (wave, stomp, march, wiggle)

Alphabet Song:

  • Use shakers while singing!

Introduce Letter:

  • Show kids a flashcard of the letter M.

  • Sing “The M says mmm, the M says mmm, every letter makes a sound, the M says mmm.”

Book 1: Goodnight Moon

Activity: “Monkey See, Monkey Do”

  • Monkey see, monkey do,

          Little monkey in the zoo

          Monkey, monkey in a tree

         Can you jump around like me?

         (swing tail, clap hands, nod head, chatter, sit down)

Book 2: My Teacher is a Monster

Activity: “Monster, Monster”

  • Monster, monster, turn around

          Monster, monster, touch the ground

          Monster, monster, reach up high

          Monster, monster, touch the sky

          Monster, monster, touch your nose

          Monster, monster, grab your toes

          Monster, monster, touch your knees

          Monster, monster, sit down please

Book 3: Moo!

Review: Show letter flashcard and say the sound again

Craft: Letter M mouse