Mother/Daughter Book Club: Inside Out and Back Again

Book Review:

Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai is a wonderful story about a young girl’s emotional journey of immigrating to a new country. I chose this book never having read it before and was a little nervous about the fact that it’s written in verse. We ended up loving it, though. It is a quick read and captures your heart. It provides a much better understanding of what it would be like to move to a new country where you don’t speak the language or understand the culture.

Discussion Questions:

1. Hà’s story is told in a series of poems. What do you think about that? Find examples of different types of poems: For instance, find one that tells a story and another that paints a picture. Some of the poems have a specific date at the end, but others say “every day.” Why do you think that is?

2. What did you know about Vietnamese culture before reading the story? What are some of the things you learned as you read?

3. Sometimes Hà is angry about being a girl. Why does she make sure to tap her big toe on the floor before her brothers wake up on the morning of the new year? When she thinks about that moment a year later, what does she say?

4. Why does Mother lock away the portrait of Father after chanting in the morning (p. 13)? What do you think you would do if you were Hà or one of her brothers and someone close to you passed away? What would you say to Mother?

5. What does Hà mean when she talks about “how the poor fill their children’s bellies” (p. 37)? What is Mother trying to do when she talks about how lovely yam and manioc taste with rice? Why do you think Mother finally decides to leave Saigon?

6. Why does Hà love papaya so much? What might the fruit represent for her? How is that the same as or different from what the chick means for Brother Khôi?

7. On the ship, Hà touches the sailor’s hairy arm and Mother slaps her hand away (p. 95). Why does Hà take a hair? How is her behavior on the ship similar to or different from that of the kids at school in Alabama when they notice Hà’s features?

8. Hà describes her American town as “clean, quiet loneliness” (p. 122). How is life in Alabama different from Saigon? Describe each setting and the differences between the two. Are there any similarities?

9. What do you know about the cowboy who sponsors the family? Who do you think he is, and what are some reasons why you think he might have become a sponsor? What about Mrs. Washington: Why might she have volunteered to be a teacher for Hà?

10. Hà says that the cowboy’s wife insists they “keep out of her neighbors’ eyes” (p. 116). Why would she do that? Why would neighbors slam their doors when Hà’s family comes to say hello (p. 164)?

11. Why would sponsors prefer applications that say “Christians” (p. 108)? Do you agree with Hà’s mother that “all beliefs are pretty much the same” (p. 108)? Do you think she did the right thing by saying that the family is Christian?

12. Why is it so important to Hà’s mother that her children learn English? If your family moved to a foreign country right now, would you be eager to learn the language? Why, or why not?

13. Hà struggles to learn English and hates feeling stupid. She asks, “Who will believe I was reading Nhất Linh?” and then, “Who here knows who he is?” (p. 130). What do you think is behind her frustration? What does she want people to understand about her and her family?

14. Brother Quang says that Americans’ generosity is “to ease the guilt of losing the war” (p. 124). What is he talking about? Why doesn’t he take their generosity at face value?

15. What does Mother mean when she tells Hà to “learn to compromise” (p. 233)? Is she talking about dried papaya or something else? Give an example of a compromise that Mother has made.

(taken from

Food Ideas:

We had fresh papaya and mango, sweet sticky rice, and egg rolls.


First, everyone wrote a poem, revised it, and shared it if they wanted to. Then we watched a video on youtube about self-defense, and each girl practiced each self-defense move with her mom. The girls loved this!



Mother/Daughter Book Club: Out of My Mind

Book Review:

Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper is one of the best books I’ve read in a long time. It’s one of those books that actually changes the way you think. The story is told from the point of view of Melody, a brilliant fifth-grader who can’t talk or walk. Born with cerebral palsy, Melody has never been able to communicate and she fights to be heard and accepted at school. This book amazed us and changed the way we view people with disabilities. I would encourage everyone to read this book!

Discussion Questions:

1.    The novel opens with a powerful discussion of the power of words and language. How does this help capture the reader's attention? What predictions can the reader make about the narrator of the story? What inferences can be made about the thought processes of the narrator's mind?

2.    In a world that does not work for her, what seems to cause the biggest frustrations for Melody?

3.    Describe Melody's parents. How do they learn to communicate with Melody and help her to overcome everyday problems? Why are those efforts sometimes a complete failure?

4.    How does Melody feel about school? How does she fit in with her classmates and what makes her different from the rest of the children in H-5? What would be Melody's ideal school situation?

5.    Discuss Melody's teachers since she began going to school. What does this say about her school system, or about attitudes at her school about teaching children with special needs?

6.    Describe Mrs. V. What role does she play in Melody's development? Why is she a necessary addition to Melody's life?

7.    What is significant about the story of Ollie the fish? How does Ollie's life mirror Melody's? Describe Melody's feelings when she is unable to tell her mother what really happened.

8.    Describe how the introduction of Penny as a character changes the family dynamics. Analyze Melody's complicated feelings about her little sister.

9.    How does the inclusion program change Melody's school experiences? Describe both positive and negative results of the program. Describe Melody's deep, unrealized need for a friend.

10. What does Melody learn about friendship during the trip to the aquarium? Make a comparison between Ollie's life, the life of the fish in the aquarium, and Melody's life.

11. How does Melody's computer change her life, her outlook on life, and her potential? Why does she name it Elvira?

12. Why does Melody decide to enter the quiz team competition? What obstacles must she face and overcome just to get on the team?

13. What does Melody learn about friendship and the relationships of children working together as she practices and competes with the quiz team? What does she learn about herself?

14. What is ironic about the events at the restaurant after the competition? How does this scene foreshadow the events that led up to the airport fiasco?

15. Describe Melody's feelings before the trip to the airport, while she is there, and after she gets home. How would you have coped with the same situation?

16. Describe Melody's extreme range of emotions as she tries to tell her mother that Penny is behind the car. How did the scene make you feel?

17. Discuss the scene in which Melody confronts the kids on the quiz team. What is satisfying about how she handles the situation? What else might Melody have done?

18. Why is the first page repeated at the end of the book? How has Melody changed, both personally and socially, from the beginning of the book to the end?

19. How would this story have been different if it had been written from a third-person point of view; from the point of view of her parents, for example, or simply from the viewpoint of an outside observer?

20. Explain the title of the novel. Give several possible interpretations.

(Questions taken from publisher)

Food Ideas:

Mac n' Cheese and Chocolate Chip Cookies


My friend made a jeopardy quiz game with questions about the book. We broke into teams of girls vs. moms, and somehow, the girls won! Then the girls broke into pairs and were given sheets of paper with words on them. Only using their thumbs, they had to try to communicate a sentence to their partner with the words on the sheet. They took turns doing this a few times – such a great activity to gain a better understanding of Melody’s life.



Mother/Daughter Book Club: Three Times Lucky

Book Review:

Three Times Lucky by Sheila Turnage is a more recent book and full of mystery. Moses “Mo” LeBeau was washed up on shore during a hurricane eleven years ago. The Colonel and Miss Lana take her in and raise her, while running a café. Mo is obsessed with finding her “upstream mother,” and when a detective comes to town investigating a murder, Mo and her best friend Dale decide to become detectives themselves. This book is full of Southern charm, fun characters, and makes us all reconsider the definition of family. We loved this book. It was fast-paced, interesting, and made us think.

Discussion Questions:

1.     What is meant by the title? How has Mo been three times lucky?

2. What advantages do Mo and Dale have over Detective Joe Starr in their murder investigation?

3. Unlike Dale's family, Mo, the Colonel and Miss Lana are not related by blood. What makes them a family?

4. How does Mo come to understand more about Dale's home situation? What does she do with this information? How does her reaction affect Dale? What would you do if you knew that a friend's parent was abusive?

(questions from

Food Ideas:

We had peanut butter and banana sandwiches (either fluffy or hand smashed), fruit with Nutella dip, and the girls decorated bottle-shaped sugar cookies.


My friend found cheap glass bottles at Michaels and gave one to each girl.  Then they wrote letters to themselves to read only after they graduated from high school, like a time capsule. The girls put their letters in the bottles, sealed them, and decorated them.


Mother/Daughter Book Club: Tuck Everlasting

Book Review:

Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbit is a great book to start a discussion about everlasting life. The Tucks found a magical spring and are frozen at the age they were when they drank from the spring, unable to die. Winnie Foster stumbles across their secret, so they “kidnap” her to make her understand why she shouldn’t drink the water and shouldn’t tell anyone about it. Unfortunately, a stranger overhears them and complicates things. This book was a little tougher for my daughter to get into because the language is somewhat flowery, but she ended up loving it.

Discussion Questions:

1.     Do you agree with the decision Winnie makes at the end of the book? Why or why not? Why do you think she decided to take this route? Did you see it coming?

2.      If you were offered the option, would you drink from the spring and accept immortality? Why or why not?

3.     Why do the Tucks keep the knowledge of the spring a secret? Do you think this is fair? What would have happened if the secret got out?

4.     Make a pro/con list about immortality. What would be the best parts? What would be the drawbacks? Does the narrator of Tuck Everlasting seem to have an opinion about it?

5.     What do you think will happen to the Tucks after the end of the book? How will their lives be different after their experiences in Treegap?

6.     Which character seems happiest to be immortal? Which is the unhappiest? Why? Does it have something to do with their personalities?

7.     How will Jesse react after he hears what happened to Winnie? Will he be understanding? Angry? Sad?

8.     The man in the yellow suit seemed like an interesting—if slimy—guy. We challenge you to write his story. He was on a quest all his own, and we're pretty sure it would make for a fun detective book.

(taken from

Food Ideas:

Flapjacks, goldfish, and water bottles with labels that read, “This water bottled from eternal springs…drink at age 17.”


The girls thought about what they wanted to be remembered for when they die, and then created their own tombstones. My friend quickly typed up what they had written and printed them on cardstock with tombstone clipart around their words. This really got the girls thinking about their futures and what was important to them.


Mother/Daughter Book Club: The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

Book Review:

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi takes place in 1832. Thirteen-year-old Charlotte is scheduled to board a ship in England with two other families to meet her family in Rhode Island. However, the other two families mysteriously cancel their trip, leaving Charlotte the sole passenger on a ship with a cruel captain and an uneasy crew. Charlotte finds herself caught between the two and eventually tried for murder. I have always loved this book. Avi’s engaging style takes you on the journey with Charlotte and makes you want to visit the ocean and smell the sea air. My daughter was a little disturbed by a couple parts, but ended up liking the book.

Discussion Questions:

1. Why do you think Charlotte initially trusts Captain Jaggery more than she trusts Zachariah? Have you ever formed — and then changed — your opinion about someone? What caused the change? Share the experience.

2. Life for girls in 1832 was much different from life in the 21st century. What advantages do girls have today? What aspects of today’s world would Charlotte likely appreciate most?

3. Charlotte befriends many of the crewmembers, but still decides to tell Captain Jaggery about the crew’s activities. Why do you think she does this? What would you have done if you were in her position?

4. After Charlotte whips Captain Jaggery’s face, she apologizes. Did her behavior surprise you? If so, in what way? How were her actions in keeping with her character, and how were they not?

5. Zachariah describes Charlotte as “the very soul of justice.” How does this description influence her?

6. Why do you think the captain chooses to make an example out of Zachariah?

7. Why does the crew stop calling Charlotte, “Ms. Doyle”? What does this change signify?

8. Captain Jaggery gives Charlotte three choices: carry out the plan against him, apologize to him, or be hanged. In your opinion, does she make the right choice? What would you have done?

9. How do you think the trip would have been different if the other families had not canceled and had joined Charlotte?

10. Once Charlotte is back on land, she has a hard time fitting in with her family. Why do you think this is? How have her experiences aboard the Seahawk changed her?

(taken from

Food Ideas:

Hard tack (which everyone tried, but no one liked – made us grateful not to be sailors!), sugar cookies decorated to look like the round robin from the book, and some fruit/veggies.


I gave each of the girls a notebook, and they decorated the covers to make their own journals. We learned how to draw ships and how to tie various knots.


Summer Incentive Chart: Ticket to Ride

I’m a little bit obsessed with incentive charts and always try to come up with something new and exciting. As exciting as you can make charts, that is…

So this is my idea for this summer – our very own Ticket to Ride game board. (For my kids ages 5-10)

This may look complicated, but really it’s not. Or maybe it is. Ha, whatever. Feel free to mock me. :)

Here’s how it works:

1.     Every weekday my kids are required to do 4 things – 30 min of piano, 30 min of violin or cello, 30 min of reading, 30 min of workbook type stuff. For each 30 min, they get to color in 1 rectangle, so each day they should be coloring in 4 rectangles. (For my 5-yr-old, each rectangle is 20 min and he doesn’t play piano.)

2.     If they finish their 4 things for the day, they can have 1.5 hrs of screen time.

3.     Every time they get to a train station, they can earn another 30 min of screen time.

4.     For every half hour of extra stuff they do, they can color in another rectangle, thus helping them earn more screen time. For example, if they read for an extra hour, they can color in two more rectangles.

5.     The squares around the edges are cumulative points for all the kids. So working together, when they get enough points, they earn prizes for the whole family, such as going out to ice cream or going bowling.

6.     Each kid is a certain color and his or her train has to stay connected the whole time. The kid with the longest train at the end of summer will win a bonus prize.

That’s it!


Mother/Daughter Book Club: Island of the Blue Dolphins

Book Review:

Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell is a vivid tale about a young girl’s survival. Karana is accidentally left behind when her Indian tribe leaves their home on a small Pacific Island. She must learn how to find food, build shelter, and make weapons to protect herself from wild dogs. The beginning of this book is sad and a bit graphic, which my daughter did not like. But then the rest of the book is engaging, and Karana’s courage is inspiring.

Discussion Questions:

1. How would you describe Karana as a person? In the beginning of the book? The end?

2. What do you think she thought when she broke the rule that women can't make weapons or they would break when they used them but when she used them nothing happened?

3. What do you think happened in her trip out to sea that made her happier with the island than before?

4. What do you think made Karana not kill Rontu?

5. She wanted to kill Rontu because he killed her brother and then didn't. Then she hated the Aleut girl because the Aleuts killed her father and many others. She had a change of heart about both of them. Both of these former enemies made her solitary life more bearable. Do you think that is why she changed her mind about them? Or was she merciful and forgiving? Was that part of her people's culture?

6. Ramo is attacked and killed by the wild dogs with Rontu as the leader and then later Rontu is attacked by the dogs. Was the author able to make you feel the same emotions in both scenes? If the dogs had killed Rontu do you think Karana feelings would have been the same as for her brother's death?

7. Why do you think the Aleut girl did not ask Karana to come with her? Do you think the girl told the Aleut men about Karana? Why?

8. When the men came to rescue her she didn't run down to the cove but waited for them to come to her. Why did she do that?

9. Karana tells us a few times that her sister was more vain than she was. She seemed proud that she wasn't that way. How is her pride a form of vanity? In secret she wore her cape, skirt, jewelry and then at the end of the book she put on airs for the men rescuing her. How vain do you really think she was? Was there a difference between her and her sister? Or was there a cultural reason she may have dressed for the men who rescued her?

10. Life on the island was alone was difficult and dangerous. What do you think kept her from giving up?

11. The dolphins are mentioned in the story twice, once going back to the island and then when she leaves. What did they symbolize for her?

12. Would you have stayed or left the island? Why?

(taken from

Food Ideas:

Cupcakes with blue frosting and fish sprinkles, fruit/veggies


My friend bought an aloe plant and the girls broke off stalks and learned how to scrape the aloe out of the plant. She talked about how Karana lived off the land, teaching the girls how they could use aloe if they got sunburned. Then we went outside and learned how to shoot bows and arrows. This was so fun – I think I loved it even more than the girls did!


Mother/Daughter Book Club: Sarah, Plain and Tall

Book Review:

Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan takes place in the late nineteenth century. Anna and Caleb Wheaton wait in anticipation when they learn that a woman, Sarah, is coming to stay with them in response to their father’s advertisement for a wife and mother. This book is short, an easy read, and yet packs a powerful punch. The language is beautiful and descriptive, and the character development is amazing.

Discussion Questions:

1. Why is Anna uncomfortable around Caleb? Why does she associate him with her mother's death? Is it fair that she thinks of her mother's death when she thinks of Caleb?

2. Sarah is lonely, but she has turned down marriage proposals before answering Papa's advertisement. Why would she come to live with strangers on the prairie if there are men in Maine who want to marry her?

3. Why is it important that Sarah sings "Sumer Is Icumen In"?

4. Why is it such a shock to Sarah to find the dead sheep?

5. Sarah teaches Anna and Caleb how to swim. How does this affect their growing relationship?

6. Maggie, a neighbor's wife, teaches Sarah that "there are always things to miss, no matter where you are." Maggie, Sarah, and Anna all miss something.

What does each miss? What does this tell the readers about each character?

(Questions from:

7. How does Sarah bring the sea to Papa, Anna, and Caleb?

8. If you were Sarah, would you stay on the farm or go back to Maine?

(Questions from:

Food Ideas:

(See the activity below) plus a fruit/veggie tray


My friend had the girls make homemade bread and butter. She had already made the dough (she made scones, so cooking time was quicker) and the girls rolled it out and shaped it. Then she put whipping cream in a small glass jar and the girls took turns shaking the jar. After about twenty minutes, the cream turned to butter. It was fun and delicious!

Mother/Daughter Book Club: Anne of Green Gables

Review of book:

Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery is a classic and one of my favorite books of all time. Eleven-year-old orphan Anne Shirley arrives at the Cuthberts’ home, only to find that they had requested a boy. With her spirit and imagination, she sets out to convince the reclusive pair to keep her, and in so doing, finally finds a place to call home. Anne’s spunky character draws you in, and you can’t help but love her. The gorgeous descriptions of Green Gables make you feel like you’ve been to Prince Edward Island. I know a lot of people have watched the movies instead, but YOU MUST READ THE BOOK!

Discussion Questions:

1. In chapter 2, when Matthew is driving Anne back to Green Gables, she asks him: “Isn’t it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive” (p. 16). Given her tragic childhood, how do you think Anne is able to maintain such a positive attitude?

2. From the moment she arrives in Avonlea, Anne is insistent on renaming places and inanimate things. Barry’s Pond, for example, becomes “The Lake of Shining Waters” and Marilla’s geranium becomes “Bonny.” Why do you think she does this? 

3. Marilla gives several reasons for finally deciding to keep Anne. What reason do you think most changed her mind? 

4. “Scope for imagination” is a characteristic that Anne treasures highly in others. Discuss the role of imagination in the novel. How does it shape Anne’s time at Green Gables? How does it evolve in other characters around her? 

5. Good behavior is very important to Marilla and very difficult for Anne. From where do you think each derives her moral code? How do both characters change, when it comes to behavior? Think, in particular, of Anne’s confessions. 

6. Anne is a remarkably compassionate child and is able to forgive even those who have judged her unfairly, such as Mrs. Rachel Lynde or Mrs. Barry. Why, then, do you think she holds such a grudge against Gilbert Blythe? 

7. Why is it so important to Anne to have a dress with puffed sleeves? Why is it important to Matthew? 

8. When Anne is at Queen’s College, she thinks: “All the Beyond was hers with its possibilities lurking rosily in the oncoming years—each year a rose of promise to be woven into an immortal chaplet” (p. 266). How is this message both hopeful and sad? How do you think Anne’s conceptions of the future change throughout the book? 

9. Discuss Anne’s reaction to Matthew’s death. How do you think it shows her maturation? How, if at all, do you think she was prepared for it? 

10. At the end of the book, Rachel Lynde tells Marilla, “There’s a good deal of the child about her yet in some ways,” and Marilla responds by saying, “There’s a good deal more of the woman about her in others” (p. 285). What do you make of her comment? How has Anne changed during her time at Green Gables? How has she stayed the same?

(Questions issued by publisher.)

Food Ideas:

We had a tea party, of course! I wanted to make raspberry cordial, but couldn’t find a recipe I liked, so I just made a raspberry punch instead. We also had cucumber sandwiches, tea biscuits, raspberry-filled sugar cookies, and a fruit/veggie tray.


Since everyone loves the part where Anne smashed her slate over Gilbert’s head, we made our own slates. I had a bunch of old picture frames in my attic, so I bought some chalkboard paint and had the girls paint the glass. Then, when it dried, we put the glass back in the frame, and voila! They had their own mini-slates. No head smashing allowed though!